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[Editor's Note: A final attempt to clear up some continuing confusion on the Silver Schools Bond issue ballot what is due in the clerk's office today before 7 p.m. If you have not returned it today, Aug. 20, 2024 is the deadline.]
The example calculations for the school bond increases published in the Grant County Beat on August 9, 2024 are unclear.
The first item was a 4.1 mil increase. Mil refers to the thousandths, so in actual numbers it is .0041. That was implicit in the example but confusing.
Photos by Mary Alice Murphy
The Gila Native Plant Society held a native plant sale on Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, in the parking lot across from Gough Park. Several vendors, local and two from Arizona, brought many different varieties of native plants for people to purchase for their yards.
Lone Mountain Natives has sold native plants for many years, and it was nice to see other local outlets, such as Gabriel's Nursery from the Lower Mimbres and Whiskey Creek Zócalo with their plants. Blooming perennials and annuals that often reseed, and everything from small trees to shrubs to single blooming plants for the season, cacti and succulents were in pots and ready to carry away. Almost everyone could find something that they simply had to buy to take home.
By Mary Alice Murphy
The New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (NMISC) is preparing to invest in water projects in the southwest New Mexico four counties of Grant, Luna, Hidalgo and Catron. The listening session at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center took place on Aug. 14, 2024 to collect input on a proposed pilot funding cycle to open later this year.
[Editor's Note: For the history on the source of funding and the permutations the process went through before arriving at this point, please read starting with "The funding comes from the New Mexico Unit Fund..."and continue to the end.]
The NMISC seeks feedback from local governments, including counties, municipalities and villages, as well as from irrigation districts and acequias, and local community water and utility boards. The deadline for feedback is Aug. 30, 2024.
By Roger Lanse
Saturday, Aug. 10, 2024, at about 3:03 a.m., Grant County Sheriff's Office deputies were at Pizza Hut on another call when they made contact with Johnathon Proudlock, who was known to them from prior dealings, as he was walking by the restaurant. According to a GCSO offense report, Proudlock, 28, of Silver City, was confirmed to have an active warrant for his arrest for failure to comply and resisting, evading, or obstructing an officer. The warrant was issued in June 2024, by Judge Grijalva in Bayard.
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a special meeting July 30, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, Mayor Pro Tem Guadalupe Cano, Rudy Bencomo, Nicholas Prince, and Stan Snider. The meeting had taken place entirely online.
Council comments
Prince thanked the town management for arranging the meeting to be online. He wanted to remind everyone school would be starting and to keep safety in mind.
By Lynn Janes
The Village of Santa Clara held a meeting July 25, 2024. Mayor Pro Tem Albert Esparza called the meeting to order, and trustees Olga Amador and Ralph Trujillo attended. Mayor Arnold Lopez and Peter Erickson didn't attend.
New business
The council approved a sponsorship for the Senior Olympics softball team. Raul Turrieta had attended to ask the village to help sponsor the team attending the Las Cruces tournament. The team may possibly be competing in games in Texas and Arizona. The village will be sponsoring the team and have the Santa Clara logo on the uniforms.
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